| Facing criminal charges and pending court dates can be a stressful situation. The outcome could have serious repercussions on your life. Even charges that seem minor can carry lasting consequences. Regardless what the alleged crime is, you should not approach the situation lightly or without guidance. The justice system is meant to be navigated with expertise and know-how. With the stakes so high and the potential to lose so much you want to make sure that you have every possible advantage. With extensive experience in the criminal justice field, Eric Zitofsky knows both sides of the system. Before going into private practice, Eric served as an Assistant District Attorney for Rockland County, New York. If you find yourself in criminal court, Eric will use his experience to help you achieve the best possible outcome. If you are facing criminal charges it's important to act quickly. Securing the best representation can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Timing is critical, your attorney can help you identify, gather and protect any time sensitive evidence. This will help in building a strong defense and anticipating practices that may be used by the prosecutor.
In a criminal investigation, the police are not on your side It is important that you understand that the priorities of law enforcement officers are different than yours. Each officer is trained to investigate crimes and gather evidence. This means that any action you take or words you speak will be used against you at a later date. The officer will be carefully observing you to gather any of these details. It is important to seek the advice of an attorney as early as possible to ensure that you have the best possible representation and the best advice on what you should and should not do during and throughout the investigative process. Eric Zitofsky will work hard to level the playing field and ensure that his clients receive the best legal representation, regardless of the alleged crime.
Exercise Your Miranda Rights "You have the right to remain silent." You have probably heard this phrase repeatedly on TV, in books, etc. In order to avoid incriminating yourself accidentally, you are highly advised to exercise this right and refrain from answering questions or volunteering information until you have the advice of an attorney. To take advantage of your rights under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments, you must either inform the officer unequivocally that you want to speak with an attorney, or you may simply remain silent. Remaining silent cannot be used to insinuate your guilt in court. One of the most common immediate emotions for individuals who are arrested is confusion. It is not uncommon to make errors when trying to explain what occurred, even as you try to proclaim your innocence. You may not even realize that you have made a mistake until it is used against you later during a trial, making it more difficult to clear your name. It is vital to have an attorney at your side during questioning. The police investigator may use clever questioning tactics in an attempt to get you to indicate any sign of guilt. After an arrest, you may be understandably bewildered. Without an attorney to help lead you through this important initial process, you have a higher potential to give conflicting details or otherwise incriminate yourself, which can damage your case.
Handling a Variety of Serious Criminal Charges Eric Zitofsky has experience in handling a variety of criminal defense cases such as:
Eric will present effective arguments and will agressively defend your case. Attorney Advertising
| Handling a Variety of Non-Criminal Litigation Aside from criminal law Eric is also experienced in handling other legal matters and disputes such as:
Protect Your Future Now is the time to prepare and build a strong defense. Your future is important. Make sure that you are taking every step to protect it in the court of law. |
Call the Law Office of Eric W. Zitofsky today for a free consultation. You can call 845-786-7740 or send an online message and Eric Zitofsky will contact you promptly.